
sphobjinv module for CLI suggest functionality.

sphobjinv is a toolkit for manipulation and inspection of Sphinx objects.inv files.


Brian Skinn (brian.skinn@gmail.com)

File Created

20 Oct 2022


(c) Brian Skinn 2016-2022

Source Repository





Code: MIT License

Docs & Docstrings: CC BY 4.0 International License

See LICENSE.txt for full license terms.


confirm_print_if_long_list(params, results)

Check if the results list is too long and query user if to proceed.

Skip the check if --all has been passed.

Also skip the check if receiving data from stdin, as a stream interaction here fouls the data flow…I forget exactly how.

do_suggest(inv, params)

Perform the suggest call and output the results.

Results are printed one per line.

If neither INDEX nor SCORE is specified, the results are output without a header. If either or both are specified, the results are output in a lightweight tabular format.

If the number of results exceeds SUGGEST_CONFIRM_LENGTH, the user will be queried whether to display all of the returned results unless ALL is specified.

No QUIET option is available here, since a silent mode for suggestion output is nonsensical.

  • invInventory – Inventory object to be output in the format indicated by MODE.

  • paramsdict – Parameters/values mapping from the active subparser


Infer a base URL for the provided objects.inv inventory URL.

If this function is a no-op, then the resulting base is NOT RELIABLE, because the URL did not end with /objects.inv.

If this function does make a change, then the resulting base is RELATIVELY RELIABLE, since the only change that should occur is stripping of a /objects.inv suffix, which strongly implies but does not guarantee that the URL came from a Sphinx docset in the standard multi-page HTML layout.


objectsinv_urlstr – URL from which to attempt docset base inference


trimmedstr – URL after attempt to trim a trailing /objects.inv

generate_index_lines(results, index_width, rst_width)

Yield lines to print the table with indices.


Yield lines to print containing just the object search results.

generate_score_index_lines(results, score_width, index_width, rst_width)

Yield lines to print the table with scores & indices.

generate_score_lines(results, score_width, rst_width)

Yield lines to print the table with scores.


Print a visual divider to break up sections of the CLI output.

print_results_table(with_index, with_score, results, params)

Prepare and print the table of suggest search results.


Print as good of an intersphinx_mapping entry as can be determined.

print_stderr_result_count(params, results)

Report the count of found objects from the suggest search.