API Usage

In all of the below, the sphobjinv package has been imported as soi, and the working temp directory has been populated with the objects_attrs.inv inventory.

Inspecting an Inventory

Inspecting the contents of an existing inventory is handled entirely by the Inventory class:

>>> inv = soi.Inventory('objects_attrs.inv')
>>> print(inv)
<Inventory (fname_zlib): attrs v17.2, 56 objects>
>>> inv.version
>>> inv.count

The individual objects contained in the inventory are represented by instances of the DataObjStr class, which are stored in a list in the objects attribute:

>>> len(inv.objects)
>>> dobj = inv.objects[0]
>>> dobj
DataObjStr(name='attr.Attribute', domain='py', role='class', priority='1', uri='api.html#$', dispname='-')
>>> dobj.name
>>> dobj.domain
>>> [d.name for d in inv.objects if 'validator' in d.uri]
['api_validators', 'examples_validators']

Inventory objects can also import from plaintext or zlib-compressed inventories, as bytes:

>>> inv2 = soi.Inventory(inv.data_file())
>>> print(inv2)
<Inventory (bytes_plain): attrs v17.2, 56 objects>
>>> inv3 = soi.Inventory(soi.compress(inv.data_file()))
>>> print(inv3)
<Inventory (bytes_zlib): attrs v17.2, 56 objects>

Remote objects.inv files can also be retrieved via URL, with the url keyword argument:

>>> inv4 = soi.Inventory(url='https://github.com/bskinn/sphobjinv/raw/dev/sphobjinv/test/resource/objects_attrs.inv')
>>> print(inv4)
<Inventory (url): attrs v17.2, 56 objects>

Modifying an Inventory

The DataObjStr instances can be edited in place:

>>> inv = soi.Inventory('objects_attrs.inv')
>>> inv.objects[0]
DataObjStr(name='attr.Attribute', domain='py', role='class', priority='1', uri='api.html#$', dispname='-')
>>> inv.objects[0].uri = 'attribute.html'
>>> inv.objects[0]
DataObjStr(name='attr.Attribute', domain='py', role='class', priority='1', uri='attribute.html', dispname='-')

New instances can be easily created either by direct instantiation, or by evolve():

>>> inv.objects.append(inv.objects[0].evolve(name='attr.Generator', uri='generator.html'))
>>> inv.count
>>> inv.objects[-1]
DataObjStr(name='attr.Generator', domain='py', role='class', priority='1', uri='generator.html', dispname='-')

The other attributes of the Inventory instance can also be freely modified:

>>> inv.project = 'not_attrs'
>>> inv.version = '0.1'
>>> print(inv)
<Inventory (fname_zlib): not_attrs v0.1, 57 objects>

Formatting Inventory Contents

The contents of the Inventory can be converted to the plaintext objects.inv format as bytes via data_file():

>>> inv = soi.Inventory('objects_attrs.inv')
>>> print(*inv.data_file().splitlines()[:6], sep='\n')
b'# Sphinx inventory version 2'
b'# Project: attrs'
b'# Version: 17.2'
b'# The remainder of this file is compressed using zlib.'
b'attr.Attribute py:class 1 api.html#$ -'
b'attr.Factory py:class 1 api.html#$ -'

This method makes use of the DataObjStr.data_line method to format each of the object information lines.

If desired, the shorthand used for the uri and dispname fields can be expanded:

>>> print(*inv.data_file(expand=True).splitlines()[4:6], sep='\n')
b'attr.Attribute py:class 1 api.html#attr.Attribute attr.Attribute'
b'attr.Factory py:class 1 api.html#attr.Factory attr.Factory'
>>> do = inv.objects[0]
>>> do.data_line(expand=True)
'attr.Attribute py:class 1 api.html#attr.Attribute attr.Attribute'

Exporting an Inventory

Inventory instances can be written to disk in three formats: zlib-compressed objects.inv, plaintext objects.txt, and JSON. The API does not provide single-function means to do this, however.

To start, load the source objects.inv:

>>> from pathlib import Path
>>> inv = soi.Inventory('objects_attrs.inv')

To export plaintext:

>>> df = inv.data_file()
>>> soi.writebytes('objects_attrs.txt', df)
>>> print(*Path('objects_attrs.txt').read_text().splitlines()[:6], sep='\n')
# Sphinx inventory version 2
# Project: attrs
# Version: 17.2
# The remainder of this file is compressed using zlib.
attr.Attribute py:class 1 api.html#$ -
attr.Factory py:class 1 api.html#$ -

For zlib-compressed:

>>> dfc = soi.compress(df)
>>> soi.writebytes('objects_attrs_new.inv', dfc)
>>> print(*Path('objects_attrs_new.inv').read_bytes().splitlines()[:4], sep='\n')
b'# Sphinx inventory version 2'
b'# Project: attrs'
b'# Version: 17.2'
b'# The remainder of this file is compressed using zlib.'
>>> print(Path('objects_attrs_new.inv').read_bytes().splitlines()[6][:10])


>>> jd = inv.json_dict()
>>> soi.writejson('objects_attrs.json', jd)
>>> print(Path('objects_attrs.json').read_text()[:51])  
{"project": "attrs", "version": "17.2", "count": 56