
sphobjinv CLI parser definition module.

sphobjinv is a toolkit for manipulation and inspection of Sphinx objects.inv files.


Brian Skinn (brian.skinn@gmail.com)

File Created

15 Nov 2020


(c) Brian Skinn 2016-2022

Source Repository





Code: MIT License

Docs & Docstrings: CC BY 4.0 International License

See LICENSE.txt for full license terms.


class PrsConst

Container for CLI parser constants.

ALL = 'all'

Optional argument name for use with the SUGGEST subparser, indicating to print all returned objects, regardless of the number returned, without asking for confirmation

CONTRACT = 'contract'

Optional argument name for use with the CONVERT subparser, indicating to contract URIs and display names to abbreviated forms in the generated output file

CONVERT = 'convert'

Subparser name for inventory file conversions; stored in SUBPARSER_NAME when selected

DEF_BASENAME = 'objects'

Default base name for an unspecified OUTFILE

DEF_OUT_EXT = {'json': '.json', 'plain': '.txt', 'zlib': '.inv'}

Default extensions for an unspecified OUTFILE


Default match threshold for sphobjinv suggest --thresh

EXPAND = 'expand'

Optional argument name for use with the CONVERT subparser, indicating to expand URI and display name abbreviations in the generated output file

FOUND_URL = 'found_url'

Dict key for URL at which an inventory was actually found

HELP_CONV_EXTS = "'.inv/.txt/.json'"

Help text for default extensions for the various conversion types

HELP_CO_PARSER = 'Convert intersphinx inventory to zlib-compressed, plaintext, or JSON formats.'

Help text for the CONVERT subparser

HELP_SU_PARSER = 'Fuzzy-search intersphinx inventory for desired object(s).'

Help text for the SUGGEST subparser

INDEX = 'index'

Optional argument name for use with the SUGGEST subparser, indicating to print the location index of each returned object within INFILE along with the object domain/role/name (may be specified with SCORE)

INFILE = 'infile'

Required positional argument name for use with both CONVERT and SUGGEST subparsers, holding the path (or URL, if URL is specified) to the input file

JSON = 'json'

Argument value for CONVERT MODE, to output an inventory as JSON

MODE = 'mode'

Positional argument name for use with CONVERT subparser, indicating output file format (ZLIB, PLAIN or JSON)

OUTFILE = 'outfile'

Optional positional argument name for use with the CONVERT subparser, holding the path to the output file (DEF_BASENAME and the appropriate item from DEF_OUT_EXT are used if this argument is not provided)

OVERWRITE = 'overwrite'

Optional argument name for use with the CONVERT subparser, indicating to overwrite any existing output file without prompting

PAGINATE = 'paginate'

Optional argument name for use with the SUGGEST subparser, indicating to paginate the suggest subcommand results

PLAIN = 'plain'

Argument value for CONVERT MODE, to output a plaintext inventory

QUIET = 'quiet'

Optional argument name for use with the CONVERT subparser, indicating to suppress console output

SCORE = 'score'

Optional argument name for use with the SUGGEST subparser, indicating to print the fuzzywuzzy score of each returned object within INFILE along with the object domain/role/name (may be specified with INDEX)

SEARCH = 'search'

Positional argument name for use with the SUGGEST subparser, holding the search term for fuzzywuzzy text matching

SUBPARSER_NAME = 'sprs_name'

Param for storing subparser name (CONVERT or SUGGEST)

SUGGEST = 'suggest'

Subparser name for inventory object suggestions; stored in SUBPARSER_NAME when selected


Number of returned objects from a SUGGEST subparser invocation above which user will be prompted for confirmation to print the results (unless ALL is specified)

THRESH = 'thresh'

Optional argument name for use with the SUGGEST subparser, taking the minimum desired fuzzywuzzy match quality as one required argument

URL = 'url'

Optional argument name for use with both CONVERT and SUGGEST subparsers, indicating that INFILE is to be treated as a URL rather than a local file path

VERSION = 'version'

Optional argument name for use with the base argument parser, to show version &c. info, and exit

VER_TXT = '\nsphobjinv v2.3.2.dev0\n\nCopyright (c) Brian Skinn 2016-2022\nLicense: The MIT License\n\nBug reports & feature requests: https://github.com/bskinn/sphobjinv\nDocumentation: https://sphobjinv.readthedocs.io\n'

Version &c. output blurb

ZLIB = 'zlib'

Argument value for CONVERT MODE, to output a zlib-compressed inventory


Generate argument parser.


prsArgumentParser – Parser for commandline usage of sphobjinv